BONUS POINTS: 50 Bonus points for entering and starting the PB270 Ultra Challenge
High Peak Ultra 100km (100 points)
Pen Y Ghent 50km (50 points)
Yorkshire 3 Peaks 70/100km Ultra (70 / 100 points)
Peak District South & North, Stage 1 White Peak Trails, 50km (50 points)
Peak District South & North, Stage 2 Dark Peak, 43km (43 points)
Points Competition Series Rules
Participants may choose to enter any selection of races in the points series competition
Participants must complete the race(s) entered to score points (except for Bonus Entry & Starting points)
For the Y3PU, participants who DNF on the +30km (100km) section will still score 70 points for completing the 70km section.
For the PS&N, for the purposes of scoring points each stage counts as a separate race. So, for example, a participant who has entered the full weekend and completes Stage 1 but DNFs on Stage 2, still scores 50 points for Stage 1.
For the PB270, points are scored for completing each section of the course (CP1 = 59, CP2 = 75, CP3 = 74, Finish = 68 points). For example, a participant who DNFs between CP2 & CP3 still scores points for reaching CP2 (i.e. 59 + 75 = 134 points). A participant who finishes the PB270 scores the full set of points.
There are two winners prizes. Each will be awarded to the lady and gentleman with the most cumulative points
In the case of a tie, the winner will be the participant with the fastest average time across all their races.
Points cannot to shared or transferred to another runner
Winners prizes are bespoke Ranger Ultras’ Cider House Oak map boxes by Matt Clayton (there is no cash alternative)
Ranger Ultras will keep tally of eligible participants and times as the series progresses and publish leaderboards.